Domain topic, it seems always lots to talk about the same. One is a famous name to be robbed of enterprises registered, a company will be a high price to buy back their own company domain name, this is the so-called "Gold has a price, the domain name is priceless," Because of this, only for those opportunities to make money a lot of domain investors.
Zhongshan last week, a company registered by a name in the domain was sentenced to Compensate 20000. You said yourself, finally spotting a good domain name, note the bar, may have been been to court; not note it, white people see Note, heart certainly was not the taste, sometimes really do not know where to go good?
Opportunities and risks
If you choose not wrong, then you may become rich overnight, become the focus of discussion in the industry. If a slight mistake, was to court not to, but also suffered financial compensation, is simply to accompany the wife of another folded soldiers, how are uneconomical.
The following users on the more fortunate to keep their registration. CN domain name.
Event Origin
Bus Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Tianjin Yilisaer near the China International Trade Arbitration Commission Domain Name Dispute Resolution Center filed a complaint requested that ordinary Internet users, "Peng Wei" personal domain name registered transferred to yourself.
The Panel ruled that eventually rejected their request, Peng Wei cn keep their domain name.
In the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre decision,,, and other personal and business registrations litigation cases, individuals who have registered to keep their own domain name.
In my current situation in China, but also to enact the relevant domain specific laws or administrative regulations.浣嗘垜鍥藉煙鍚嶆敞鍐屾湇鍔″強鐩稿叧娲诲姩涓昏閬靛惊淇℃伅浜т笟閮ㄥ埗瀹氬叕甯冪殑銆婁腑鍥戒簰鑱旂綉缁滃煙鍚嶇鐞嗗姙娉曘?杩欎竴閮ㄩ棬瑙勭珷銆?"China Internet Domain Name Regulations" second 17 clearly contains a "personal domain name registration and use of" words.
銆??鏈変汉娉ㄥ唽浜嗗彲浠ヤ繚浣忓睘浜庤嚜宸辩殑鍩熷悕锛岃?鏈変汉鍗磋鎶婂煙鍚嶅弻鎵嬪閫佸嚭鏉ワ紝杩樿璧斿伩涓?畾鐨勭粡娴庢崯澶便?鐜板湪鍦ㄨ繖涓よ?涔嬮棿閮芥病鏈変竴涓 閲忕殑鏍囧噯锛岄偅澶у闈犱粈涔堝幓鎵ц浜?鍙嶆鎴戞槸涓嶇煡閬擄紝杩欎釜闂涔熶笉鏄竴鏈濅竴澶曡兘瑙e喅鐨勩?甯屾湜鐩稿叧鐨勯儴闂ㄨ兘鍑哄彴涓?簺鐩稿叧鐨勬硶寰嬫硶瑙勶紝鏉ヨ鑼冪幇鍦ㄧ殑鍩熷悕甯傚満銆傚ソ璁╂姇璧勯兘鍙互鏀惧績澶ц儐鐨勫幓鍋氫竴浜涙姇璧勩?
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